Music Maturity (Is she too young for this?)

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I’m still bloated the next day. I’ll be moving around by rolling for the weekend. Billie Eilish I like to think that I’m a lenient parent. My wife and I try not to hover, or over parent. The downside is that sometimes I question whether or not what my eldest daughter is doing/seeing/hearing is appropriate for a seven year old. This is never more evident than her choices in music. Trading

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Music Maturity (Is she too young for this?)

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I’m still bloated the next day. I’ll be moving around by rolling for the weekend. Billie Eilish I like to think that I’m a lenient parent. My wife and I try not to hover, or over parent. The downside is that sometimes I question whether or not what my eldest daughter is doing/seeing/hearing is appropriate for a seven year old. This is never more evident than her choices in music. Trading

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