The Out of Shape Father

I’m fairly sure the vast majority of adults in the world have at some point wanted to lose a few pounds. I am no exception. Some people want to look super sexy, some want to lift the big weight, and some just want to be a little healthier. Or, in my case, you only gain weight in the belly, so you constantly look like you’re at least 6 months pregnant with a case of Guinness. Recently, and to a point,

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Sacrifices, Concessions, and a Little Bit of Pee

We’re currently in the home stretch of the summer. The thoughts about the upcoming school year are creeping their way into our heads, and our family vacation has come and gone. A COVID vacation is certainly different but should making a few concessions in order to still have some relaxation and bonding time with the family really be considered the “sacrifices” that some believe they are? We packed up the car with our bags, and enough supplies to feed and

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