I’d Prefer Not to Raise A Serial Killer

Okay, so the title was just a tad dramatic. Not wrong, but a teensy weensy over the top. I’m not really sure if my wife and I have traditional beliefs with raising our daughters. I’m more sure that it doesn’t really matter. We know what we’re doing is the right thing and that’s the important part to hold on to. The interesting part was when we discussed those ideas and thoughts with Avari. * * * * * At seven

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We HAVE to Trust in Women! #WeStandWithNikki

This post is going to be different. However, please read it carefully, and check out the links at the bottom.  Nicole is an acquaintance of my wife and I. We MUST trust in women and act accordingly when they are subjected to physical and mental abuse. Actions like what Nikki has had to suffer through tear families apart and it is a disgrace that in this day and age we still have to have these discussions. I implore you to

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Busy Busy Busy… At Least, That’s What I’ll Have you Believe

Well it’s been awhile! Where have you been? Where have I been? I’m going to give you a whole pile of excuses. The right answer is Procrastinating again, but ignore that and just hear me out. It was the holiday/birthday/flu season. It makes for an immensely busy number of weeks. Excuse #1: The Holidays I’ll keep this one brief. Christmas is always stressful and nuts. Especially this year since it’s the first one with two children for our family. Check

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