The Out of Shape Father

I’m fairly sure the vast majority of adults in the world have at some point wanted to lose a few pounds. I am no exception. Some people want to look super sexy, some want to lift the big weight, and some just want to be a little healthier. Or, in my case, you only gain weight in the belly, so you constantly look like you’re at least 6 months pregnant with a case of Guinness.

Recently, and to a point, currently I’ve been dieting. Down 20lbs since late March (humble brag). This wasn’t the first time I’ve attempted to get healthier, but it was definitely the most successful. So, what was so different this time? And how was I able to incorporate it into my moderately hectic life?

To start, I gave up on the idea of being a totally chiseled greek god. I chose something more attainable. How about we work on 5lbs at a time and get rid of the belly? My children telling me that I’m shaped like The Grinch is also a great motivator! Small, more attainable goals keep me excited as I see them met and passed.

Can’t Even Tell Who Is Who!

It took some experimenting to find not only a diet that works, but something attainable for me. To be honest, I have a fairly hard-working metabolism, so almost every diet I tried did show some result, but they didn’t really fit my lifestyle.

Finding a Diet that Works

No Problem to see here. . .

First up to bat was Keto. It’s hip, it’s trendy, it allows bacon. Here’s the problem. My family is Italian. We bleed carbs. Coming home every night and making a completely separate dinner for myself was just not working.  Not to mention, sitting at the table for Sunday dinner watching everyone enjoy their pasta while I ate meatballs and salad was just absolute torture. Keto. . .get outta here!

Next up was fasting. I stopped eating around 9pm and abstained from anything except for water and black coffee until 12pm the following day. Did it work? Yes. Was I hangry? Absolutely. Not to mention, my wife and I both enjoy watching television and snacking after the children are in bed. It may sound silly to some, but something was really missing while not sharing some ice cream or popcorn when we finally got to settle down and unload for the night.  Fasting lived up to it’s name and was out that door quick!

Finally, it was time to take a step back and look at what dieting really is. No complicated systems, no watching the clock. It’s really all more simple than that. Calories are taken in need to be less than calories burned. To help with this, some research was done, and I eventually settled on the Noom app. Not only is it a decent calorie counter, but it gives some really great information for those starting out. Simple things, like choosing grapes as a snack vs raisins. Sure they have the same calorie count essentially, but the grapes have more water content and thus will fill you more. Eventually, and before the free trial ran out, I decided I’ve learned enough, and canceled the subscription, but to this day use the free services to record and track both my weight and calories. To be honest, I’m amazed at how easy it is to simply watch what I’m taking in and simply make smarter choices about my meals and snacks. Not only is this a diet, but without realizing it, it’s just become a normal healthier way of thinking.

Let’s Get Physical

Diet, would probably be enough to simply lose the weight I wanted, but to complete the whole “healthier” package, it’s somewhat necessary to incorporate exercise. And once again, it has to fit into my family’s busy schedule. 

For years, I’ve had a kettlebell just sitting around my basement. I did some research, watched some videos, and found a few exercise programs I enjoy. Currently, this is the program I’m following. The kettlebell really gets me sweating, and I’m fairly sore for a day or so afterward. I‘ve really accomplished something.

However, this doesn’t always fit my schedule, and I can’t knock that out every day regardless. So I had to think. What exists that I can do rain or shine and with or without the family? Enter one of my favorite past times. . . Videogames! Ring Fit Adventure is a game for the Nintendo Switch. Essentially it’s a game that comes with a pilate ring and thigh strap that track your movement. The whole selling point is that you’re playing an adventure with a story that requires exercise to both move and battle enemies. I’ve actually kind of ignored that portion and instead, opted to make custom workouts that just run one into the other. The key is that there are still characters on the screen for me to follow. My youngest likes to watch the television and copy the movements with me, while my oldest along with my wife both made characters to play as with their own free time. It’s a fantastic way to get the heart pumping and burn some calories right in the living room while keeping the children entertained as well.

The journey to a healthier lifestyle is never over. Will I trip? Of course! To be honest, I’m enjoying a beer while writing this (though it’s a Corona Premier. . . 90 calories). However, it’s really not difficult to incorporate healthier choices into one’s everyday life. If I’m not doing it for myself, I’m at least doing it for the sake of my family. They have to put up with my garbage for as long as possible.

If you liked this, read my other posts on The Outnumbered Father and don’t forget to comment, and follow me on TwitterInstagram, and TikTok!

2 comments On The Out of Shape Father

  • It is about balance and how I see it is I am not going to deny myself of everything that tastes nice as I will be miserable. That and moving more as I am rubbish at remembering to move as I am sat down blogging so much. Good luck with your journey!

    Lauren -bournemouthgirl

    • Thank you! For me it’s not about denying the food outright, but mostly portion control. I have to remind myself that I don’t necessarily need seconds or thirds!

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