I’d Prefer Not to Raise A Serial Killer

Okay, so the title was just a tad dramatic. Not wrong, but a teensy weensy over the top.

I’m not really sure if my wife and I have traditional beliefs with raising our daughters. I’m more sure that it doesn’t really matter. We know what we’re doing is the right thing and that’s the important part to hold on to. The interesting part was when we discussed those ideas and thoughts with Avari.

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At seven years old Avi Baby is, in our opinion, old enough to really grasp what’s expected of her as she grows and matures. Laying out these ideas directly to her and ensuring she really understands them will, hopefully, provide a moral code that stays with her for life.

And, here’s the thing. Tara and I never explicitly sat down to discuss how we feel and what takes paramount importance. We just both kind of knew what each other thought. In a way, that’s good, I think. Maybe. I dunno.

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Above all else, we just want our kids to be good people. Trustworthy, dependable, kind humans. I’ll admit, Avari can be a little harsh. She’s not fantastic in social situations and would rather be left on her own in her own little world. That’s fine, but not at the expense of politeness. We’re working to make sure she always says her “pleases” and “thank yous”, and to make sure that even when she doesn’t want to be bothered, she still makes time for her cousins and the younger children that come around. They look up to her, and we expect her to set the example for them.

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“But, Mr. Adam, what about school? It’s super duper important for her to have a strong education to be successful later life!”, You say as you tug on the bottom of my shirt and stare into my glistening dreamy eyes. “Yes my young starfish”, I’ll answer in a soft baritone voice that soothes your soul, like a thousand tiny butterflies flapping their silky soft wings all across your body.

Academically successful? Sure, that’s fantastic. However, as long as my children are putting the effort in, I’m not going to push hard to make sure they’re the mostest smartest-est…..est. Not at the expense of their happiness, or our relationship. If they’re meeting my expectations, or at least trying to, I’ll do my part to give them the tools they need to get where they want to go in life.

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Avari is clearly right-brained. Meaning she operates better visually, she’s better suited for “artistic” activities. As a contrast, I believe I lean towards the left-sided way of thinking. I prefer logic, and sequences. I like planning and structure.

Obviously, it’s not so cut and dry. People sway back and forth, but I do believe there is a favored way our brains operate from person to person.

Avari’s Dragon
So what does that mean? It means that we’ll try to feed Avari’s interest. We give her the tools she needs to draw, paint, design, and create. It all comes down to keeping her passion high and making her feel like she’s living a fulfilling happy life. The more complete someone feels, the easier for them it is to be the best person they can be. At least that’s Tara’s and her super sexy husband’s (that’s me) belief.

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Do you agree? Do you not? Do you want to roast me over an open fire? Comment below.

Also, please follow me out on Twitter and Instagram.

This Is Pooping Now. This is Life


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