Busy Busy Busy… At Least, That’s What I’ll Have you Believe

Well it’s been awhile! Where have you been? Where have I been? I’m going to give you a whole pile of excuses. The right answer is Procrastinating again, but ignore that and just hear me out. It was the holiday/birthday/flu season. It makes for an immensely busy number of weeks.

Excuse #1: The Holidays
I’ll keep this one brief. Christmas is always stressful and nuts. Especially this year since it’s the first one with two children for our family. Check out my last post here to read more about it.

Excusees numbers twosees: Evi’s 1st Birthday Party!
Everli’s birthday is right after christmas, so we opted to have her party later in the month. It was a “tea party” themed birthday. We needed to save money, so my wife, who just so happens to be the craftiest person in the universe, decided we would make most everything ourselves. This included
blowing up piles of balloons, spending what felt like forever in photoshop, and staying up until 2am making literally one hundred finger sandwiches of varying flavors. It took hours/days/weeks/a  millennia , but we got it done. 

Excuse Trois: The Dreaded Flu
The flu this year seems especially devastating, and unfortunately, my kids were not immune to it’s world crushing effects. Both of my poor babies had long running fevers. Avari missed five days of school, and the general atmosphere of the house is unrelenting misery. 
Now the fevers are gone, but the coughing has begun, and to top it off, Avi had a sleepover with her cousins Saturday night, and one of them woke up in the whee hours of the morning with a stomach bug. . . 
The real battle above all else is getting Avari to catch up on her missed school work. She’s currently collapsed in the corner of our living room, whining about it. 

And Finally Reason “D”: More Parties
It seems that though we’re in the peak of the flu season, it’s also a happening time to get down and boogie. We had Avari’s party, were supposed to go to another birthday party the following week until the sickening happened, a Valentine’s Day class party and dinner, had my nephews birthday/baptism this weekend, and finally a christening in two weeks. They’re all fun, and I’m always down for a celebration, but am looking forward to a little lull in March.

My Loves on Valentine’s Day!

* * * * *

Well that’s it for now. I’ve reached the point where instead of just having multiple ideas and topics swirling in my head, I have a number of projects started that need finishing. I would promise to get them up promptly, but we all know that’s a lie.

Sometimes, typing with one hand is worth it.

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