
I promised myself that I would not get political on this blog. For the fear of alienating family, friends, and readers. However, when I’m motivated so much by political decisions, just ignoring them would be dishonest to who I am.

Ohio republicans tried to get the “Heartbeat Bill” passed in April, making it past both the Senate and the house before US District Judge Michael Barrett blocked it from going into effect.

But now, republicans are attempting to expand the bill further. From, “Ohio’s proposed abortion ban would require doctors to reimplant ectopic pregnancies, but that’s not possible.”

This updated version would require doctors to make an attempt at reimplant ectopic pregnancies into the uterus. This is all in hopes that it could mature like a healthy pregnancy. Except, there are two glaring issues with this.

1. The procedure would be immensely dangerous for the woman going through this procedure.


Don’t these lawmakers thing for one second that if there was a way to salvage these pregnancies instead of losing them along with a fallopian tube and sometimes part of the uterus they would?

Why is this the topic that’s getting me all shook up?

Long story short, after our older daughter, Avari, was born we tried for over five years, paid (and am still paying) for fertility treatments, had five miscarriages, and finally a cornual ectopic pregnancy.

Simply put, implantation happened right where the tube meets the uterus. They can be difficult to diagnose and catastrophic if there is a rupture. My wife lost one fallopian tube and about a third of her uterus. If there is interest in hearing a longer form of our ordeal, I’ll have her right about with me. I don’t want to get into the happensings of her body or what she was thinking/feeling without her first hand account.

If there was a way to even remotely heal all the loss, all the heartbreak and tears, and magically make the pregnancy viable, of course we would have taken it. Unfortunately, such a possibility doesn’t exist.

If this bill were to pass, people in my wife’s position could easily have to endure further trauma or worse simply because an embryo implanted in the wrong spot.

To me personally, this is NOT a political issue as much as it’s a human rights issue. There is NO discussion about this. No men in suits get to make these decisions for ANY WOMEN and THEIR BODIES. Period.

I’ll end on this. I know plenty of conservatives who are good, logical people. Some may be reading this right now. However, this is what their party represents. The people they are voting into office are coming up with these bills that are literally endangering human lives. There is no defense for this. It’s despicable, it’s unforgivable, and I won’t support any group that stands for it in any way.

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