We HAVE to Trust in Women! #WeStandWithNikki

This post is going to be different. However, please read it carefully, and check out the links at the bottom.  Nicole is an acquaintance of my wife and I. We MUST trust in women and act accordingly when they are subjected to physical and mental abuse. Actions like what Nikki has had to suffer through tear families apart and it is a disgrace that in this day and age we still have to have these discussions. I implore you to

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Busy Busy Busy… At Least, That’s What I’ll Have you Believe

Well it’s been awhile! Where have you been? Where have I been? I’m going to give you a whole pile of excuses. The right answer is Procrastinating again, but ignore that and just hear me out. It was the holiday/birthday/flu season. It makes for an immensely busy number of weeks. Excuse #1: The Holidays I’ll keep this one brief. Christmas is always stressful and nuts. Especially this year since it’s the first one with two children for our family. Check

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Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

That’s it! It’s Over! We’ve survived another holiday season! On a personal level this has been both one of the most rewarding but also stressful seasons for me. I decided to use Paid Family Leave and take off from early December to the second week of January. And, by that, I mean I took a break from everything not related to being with my family. No job, no writing, minimal house projects. I’ll most likely, never get a chance like

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Music Maturity (Is she too young for this?)

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I’m still bloated the next day. I’ll be moving around by rolling for the weekend. Billie Eilish I like to think that I’m a lenient parent. My wife and I try not to hover, or over parent. The downside is that sometimes I question whether or not what my eldest daughter is doing/seeing/hearing is appropriate for a seven year old. This is never more evident than her choices in music. Trading

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I promised myself that I would not get political on this blog. For the fear of alienating family, friends, and readers. However, when I’m motivated so much by political decisions, just ignoring them would be dishonest to who I am. Ohio republicans tried to get the “Heartbeat Bill” passed in April, making it past both the Senate and the house before US District Judge Michael Barrett blocked it from going into effect.But now, republicans are attempting to expand the bill

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Halloween & Procrastination

          I’ve been tardy. It’s not a good thing. The truth is, I have a long history of procrastination. My greatest talent is coming up with excuses to not do things. Once I start, I’m fine. In fact, I quite enjoy writing. It’s just getting to the starting block while fighting thoughts like, “I’m just going to sit back and play games while drinking coffee this morning. I deserve it. ***Break to discuss with wife whether

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Wedding Bells

     Here we are. Post number two. I haven’t nailed down a regular posting schedule yet. Though, I really should. Right now I’m working on once a week. A day has not been chosen though. Future aspirations would have entries two or three times a week. Not sure if there’s any quality, but if there is even a shred, I don’t want to sacrifice it by saturating the blog for the sake of making content. The Newlyweds!    

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The Whole Famn Damily!

Let’s get this straight, I don’t have time to be doing this. I’m typing with one hand, coffee in the other, while my foot is steadily pumping up and down on a bouncy seat my youngest daughter is napping in. It’s late September, I still haven’t closed the pool, and the house looks like a toy bomb went off in it. But that’s the point really. It’s insanity, it’s calamity. It’s how my family lives. Just my daughters, my wife,

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