Wedding Bells

     Here we are. Post number two. I haven’t nailed down a regular posting schedule yet. Though, I really should. Right now I’m working on once a week. A day has not been chosen though. Future aspirations would have entries two or three times a week. Not sure if there’s any quality, but if there is even a shred, I don’t want to sacrifice it by saturating the blog for the sake of making content.

The Newlyweds!


     Congratulations are in order. My sister and brother-in-law tied the knot over the weekend! It was beautiful, it was fun. It was stressful, and oh boy, was it expensive.

     This is not a knock on the bride and groom at all. Three out of four of my family members were in the wedding. My wife and I were in the bridal party, and Avari was a flower girl. Some hustling had to be done to pay for the tux, and gowns. And, on top of that there’s the bachelor/bachelorette parties, and the wedding gift itself.

     Honestly, I was deeply honored to be asked to partake in the party, but if I had to do it again, I would have probably declined the honor, but let my daughter still take part.

We Clean Up Nicely


     The food was decent, music was great. My oldest danced for hours. Everyone had a fantastic time. Well, everyone except my youngest Everli. There was a strict “no children” policy for the reception. Ring bearer and flower girl were obvious exceptions. I protested this decision weeks in advance. I could see stopping young children and toddlers, but a baby? And further your niece? We pleaded our case. “Everli was just a baby, she’d just be sitting on laps, not even capable of running around.” “She’s never stayed with a stranger. Every person she knows is invited to the wedding.” However, rules are rules I guess. So she stayed with a very nice girl who was in a suite just down the hall from the reception. And she cried through the ceremony, and she cried though the cocktail hour, and through the introductions to the reception. . . Finally, the sitter caved and got a hold of my wife. Everli had defeated her.

     The choice had to be made. Let her join us in the reception, or we take her and go home. Sure enough, the rules were laxed. She came in and got to visit with some seldom seen family members. We all enjoyed her company, she enjoyed ours.
     This is my point (one I’m sure will be met with resistance) I understand it’s your special day. But, this isn’t a club, it isn’t some high profile event. It’s for family and friends to celebrate your union with your partner. My wife and I know my daughters better than anyone else. If we, or any parents, tell you what’s going on or will go on with our children in these kinds of situations, just listen. Fighting back just causes unnecessary stress. Also, when you get proven wrong, I get to rub it in your face, and no one wants that. . .
. . .Well, except me. . .

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